The Art of Fiction | Using Ayn Rand’s Ideas to Become a Good Storyteller | The Cave of Apelles

What are the foundational rules of storytelling and can Ayn Rand’s philosophy serve as an inspiration to fiction authors? Henrik Knightingale, who just released his first play, is an objectivist with a keen interest for the work of Ayn Rand. He sits down with Jan-Ove Tuv and Carl Korsnes to discuss her ideas about literature and reveals how he went from being a modernist to a writer with structure and a clear goal in mind.

Henrik Knightingale’s debut play “In His Own Shadow” is now available on Amazon:

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Chapter markers:
00:00 From unconscious modernist to clear standards
05:25 Forging a plot
10:28 The Climax: a struggle of life and death
21:38 Definition of “plot” & “theme”
22:45 Tragedy vs unfaltering heroes?
29:05 Rand’s so-called “cardboard figures”
33:16 Determinism vs Romanticism
40:41 The role of volition
50:04 Balzac, Lucian Freud and Andrew Wyeth
56:00 Disregarding biographical data
58:35 Show, don’t tell
1:02:37 Which authors Rand favored
1:05:12 Life as it can be — and ought to be
1:09:54 My sense of life…?

This episode featured Henrik Knightingale, Jan-Ove Tuv & Carl Korsnes and was filmed and edited by Bork Nerdrum.
The centerpiece was a 19th century reproduction of G. F. Watts’ Hope.

Fergus Ryan
Matthias Proy
Børge Moe

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  • Apelles was asked why he touched and retouched his pictures with so much care, to which he replied:
    "I paint for eternity"