Will a Laissez-faire Society Lead to the Best and Most Noble Achievements of Mankind? | The Cave of Apelles

Jan-Ove Tuv and Carl Korsnes sit down to discuss the pros and cons of capitalism in terms of classical culture. Will a society based on the laissez-faire model lead to the best and most noble achievements of mankind?

Topics discussed in this episode:
• The philosophical roots of cultural politics
• Disguised political propaganda
• What if cultural politics supported classical values?
• The immoral price gap between modern and classical works
• Adam Smith: only virtuous products are sustainable?
• The typical “capitalist” attitude towards culture
• Open markets equals more “diversity”
• The state: as small as possible
• The solution

▶ Full video: https://www.patreon.com/caveofapelles
🎵 Full audio: http://caveofapelles.com/podcast

This conversation was produced by Bork S. Nerdrum and assisted by Melisa Calabria.
The centerpiece was a 19th century reproduction of G. F. Watts’ Hope.

Fergus Ryan
Shaun Roberts
Viorel Trandafir
Børge Moe
Jon Harald Aspheim
Dean Anthony
Alastair Blain
Anders Berge Christensen
Erik Lasky
Fernando Ramirez
Herman Borge
Hårek Jordal Andreassen
Iver Ukkestad
Jack Entz Warner
Jared Fountain
Jose Luis
Maurice Robbins
Michael Irish
Stacey Evangelista
Tonelise Rugaas
Trym Jordahl
Villiam S-ian
Yngve Hellan

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  • Apelles was asked why he touched and retouched his pictures with so much care, to which he replied:
    "I paint for eternity"